Method of working Swinkels Management Select (SMS)
Swinkels Management Select works exclusively from the client
If required with time limit
Target group
Our target group consists of qualified candidates from the technology and production and manufacturing industry.
Both permanent and interim candidates (self- employed persons).
Our network
We cover a vast, active network in mainly the technical, production and manufacturing industry.
SMS uses carefully curated databases and contacts build by years of experience in the industry.
Additionally we also use external databases.
Why choose Swinkels Management Select ?
Competitive pricing
Because of our relatively low overheads you can count on very competitive, personalised pricing.
High success rate
Our clean procedure management forms the foundation of our very high success rate.
Guaranteed success
SMS provides quarantees for your company for the candidates it recruits
By being open, transparent and honest we aim for a long term collaboration
When required we can arrange several types of screening in order to provide expert advice.
A personal introduction lays the groundwork of a long term collaboration.
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